act 1978, this copy I bought around 2010, different than my origional

act 1978, this copy I bought around 2010, different than my origional
act 1978, this copy I bought around 2010, different than my origional, original, 98% math 96% over all- these scores have no precise credibility for anyone

Friday, September 2, 2016


I will sell autographed prints of each item for $10,000,000.00 / item and offer any sales people a 10% commission for any sale they bring me.

George A. Crawford III MS BS KS Scholar.....................

If you buy all 9 prints, autographed, I will give you a $6,900,000 gift card to use at

I believe based on common sense and experience, that any person in the USA who has established disrespect for my ownership, degrees, and genius IQ needs extermination.... All persons and the companies, institutions they work at/represent create total lack of credibility for themselves and such places, and create issues of anarchy, murder/identity theft, (the probable murder and identity theft of my natural father), look a likes fraud(friends/so called friends of mine from college and of my father/family growing up/neighbors/thru high school), and have helped destroy america, they should not be excused or let these issues go/forgotten, ever... 4ever

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